Thursday, August 18, 2016

A long time later

Life eventually becomes those things that Science-fiction promised it was going to be. The robots and the machines and the computers that the good old stories warned us about is the age we live in. Growing up is realising Flash Gordon was about colonialism, alienism is about colonialism, humans are a race of creatures, who are stuck in various phases of evolution simply because they refuse to let the past go. History is a story written by power and as one of the greatest epic writers of our generation puts it, "power lies where men believe it lies". When power was about religion people turned to the agents of the gods now power is about money, so people turn to agents of paper money instead. But power is constant. Power is the accumulation of riches. Whoever, accumulates wealth is powerful. But what of an age where currency is a dilute concept. Where borders are imaginary and nations are imagined. Where the imagination is not about the ego of a person but of the ego of a race. What's happening in Kashmir is about the ego of a nation state. The systematic wipeout of memories and collective forgetting will just not do. It will just not do to forget. So one must read. One must remember. The dark dreams of the lost traveller become darker and darker. A shade of blue darker every night. But then again, these are dark times. Everyone's demons are alive with them. Demons are no longer para-normal, they inhabit the realm of the normal, and are conveniently brushed under the carpet as necessary evils. But necessary evils will not do, they will have to stop. Because army is a necessary evil. Banks are necessary evils. Governments are what some people decided was the lesser evil. But as long as power is about protecting the haves from the have nots, evil will remain in the roots. No amount of awareness, writings, artworks or social theories will change anything. In the end the lone person has only one real weapon for battle, the courage to be different, the courage to imagine a world other than the one we live in. The dark dreams of the lost traveller get darker and darker.

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