One upon a time there was a little boy who was always grumbling for something or the other. None of the riches in the world satisfied him. One fine day he wanted to play, so his father a man whose name was greatly revered across the world, bought him a beautiful girl off the slave market to play with. He called her Tears as her face was always tear streaked and she could never say what her name was. His father named him Cain. Cain found his newest toy a very obedient friend to play with who would lose everytime so that Cain could feel happy that he was winning.
He grew up knowing that he was the best because Tears had never won a game against him, she had never known all the beautiful letters that he did, she could not count as fast as he could and he was always better than the most beautiful girl in the land. One day he was waiting for her to come down in her flowing dress and join him at his game where he would first scold her for being absent at breakfast, when his teacher came and told him, "She will not come today sir, she will join you in your games in a few days till then you must stay with me." This was when she was 12 and he was 14.
He never saw her again untill he was old enough to have the company of women.
These growing up years he spent behind closed doors in boundaries of four walls in famous universities where he learnt everything that a fine young Gentleman ought to learn. He learnt to be honest, to be generous, to be responsible, to be chivalrous. He learnt manners, he learnt to behave in ways that would set him apart from the rest. All this he learnt the way children learn their alphabets. He graduated to be a fine learned gentleman who could appreciate poetry, count well, write in different hands, paint pictures desolate and beautiful and above all think well.
His father was a proud man, the day Cain returned. He threw a grand party in his honour and announced that his son would now apprentice with him and soon join his father's craft. Thus he was a happy man. Cain was congratulated by many faces that day most greeting with rich gifts of colognes, books, and gems. But one smile kept haunting him. She was the daughter of his father's aquaintance who was extremely beautiful and sought after by most men. Her smile, eyes, complexion, curves were exactly the way they were supposed to be, exactly the way every man wanted it to be. She was engaged to be married and she was gaily showing off her ring while her peals of laughter rang in his ears long after she was gone.
The next day he asked his servant about her residence and got away early from his father's workshop under the excuse of meeting friends. He went to her house hesitated at her door, but soon decided he would not be a gentleman. He noticed the figure of the beautiful girl lurking near the western window. He wrote a letter, tied it to a stone and threw it high up to reach her window. After a few misses it finally hit. Soon enough there was a figure of a beautiful girl at the window, she smiled, looked aweay and moved away from the window. Cain kept waiting. Soon his stone hit him back.
The next few days flew past like a dream, they met in secret, his happiness knew no bounds. He spent his sleepless nights smiling at every memory of her in his arms. Then his perfect love story got spoiled forever.
His father approached him one day with a proposal of a marriage.
The next day he went to meet The girl, and that day she didnt come down to the garden but she left a letter for him under the tree they always met. She got married, and she said she loved her husband, she loved the man yet Cain would remain her best friend.
Heartbroken Cain visted the local pub where he met a girl. She led him away to a room. Then on every night he visited her. He envied her. She changed men every hour or so yet she was a freer bird than he was. She would get away with doing things as all she would have to hear is Harlot. She could live anyway she wished and not many people would mind. She would not be able to face her creator yet she was in no need of a judgement day. Her life was one long judgement day. How he longed to be a vagabond as her.
He agreed to a proposal of marriage and got married to a virtous virgin who cared about her cutlery, her furniture and his house. She made a gossipy young housewife with no real desires. She would respond to her husband's lovemaking advances most coyly yet there was no intensity of their love.
The harlot became his best friend, the person whon he confided in, the girl he made love to and the pillar of his strength. One day when he went to meet her after a hard day's work she lay in her bed crying. That night he stayed on with her and promised to stand by her forever. He promised to be her best friend.
Next night she was no more. They said that she died of a broken heart. Someone said she loved a man who promised her everything but his life and that broke her heart. He asked the passing pall bearers who she was, they said she was called Tears. Bought in a slave market sold in another she spent her life making her way through auctions yet he knew she was his toy, always till the very end.
A tear betrayed Cain's smiling face.
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